Areas of Study

Discovery to Market
In the San Francisco Bay area where big biopharma companies neighbor new genetic labs, startups, and the next frontier of research, thousands of professionals are pushing forward life-changing advances every day.

Lead by example
The Silicon Valley region is the home base of the entrepreneur and our curriculum reflects that heart and vision. Many of our programs align with professional certifications and other higher education programs.

Inspire the classroom
The field of education is undergoing rapid change requiring teachers serving all demographics to renew their skills and incorporate a greater understanding of learning differences, cultural awareness, and technological innovation.

Premed Postbaccalaureate
Supporting Future Physicians
A unique, Silicon Valley-based premed preparation program where students get the support and training they need to improve their MCAT scores, complete their applications for medical school, complete prereqs, and gain critical skills to build their careers in health care.

Innovate every solution
Silicon Valley is synonymous with innovation. Our courses, developed in partnership with local industry leaders, are continually refreshed. Leading technologists visit as guest speakers, mentors, recruiters, and even returning students.

UX Design
Realize ideas
Every good idea is made better by the designer who makes it real. Our curriculum teaches you to build robust, reliable, web systems, and apps so you can showcase your talents in AR, VR, wearables, web development, and AI-assisted design. Courses are available a la carte or as a comprehensive certificate program to boost your career.