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Malkiat Sandhu

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MALKIAT SANDHU, B.S., M.A., has over ten years of experience teaching economics, international political economy, introductory business and computer information systems at a number of Bay Area colleges and universities. He also consults and is a regular workshop participant at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and SRI International.

Associated Program(s)
Business Administration Supply Chain Management

Malkiat Sandhu's courses currently open for enrollment

Finance I, Fundamentals

Start Date End Date Quarter Units Location Cost
06-23-2025 08-25-2025 3.0 SANTA CLARA / REMOTE $745.00 Enroll

International Business and the Global Economy

Start Date End Date Quarter Units Location Cost
04-03-2025 06-05-2025 3.0 SANTA CLARA / REMOTE $775.00 Enroll