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Capstone Building Integrated AI Applications | AISV.X490

This course provides developers a practical, industry-oriented training on how to develop integrated artificial intelligence (AI) applications for enterprises. Leveraging knowledge acquired through various elective courses, you will learn to apply your skills to cutting-edge AI applications during hands-on classroom sessions using machine learning frameworks.

In the classroom, we’ll focus on convolutional neural networks and how they work, and perform training and inference using Tensorflow/Keras for image detection, recognition and segmentation. You’ll learn various aspects of designing and deploying applications in the real world and work on a final project encompassing the new technologies you’ve learned.

Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of the course, you should be able to

  • Describe the technical and non-technical aspects of planning, designing and deploying an AI-based enterprise application
  • Train and fine-tune a deep learning model on the cloud with existing datasets
  • End-to-end application services design and considerations, deployment, and support
  • Develop and deploy an enterprise cloud based application
  • Explain what federated learning and continuous learning are and why they are needed
  • Describe and demonstrate AI techniques

Topics Include

  • DNN and how it fits in AI and traditional ML techniques
  • Concepts of supervised deep learning models
  • End-to-end application services design and considerations, deployment, and support
  • Understanding of various AI cloud services and their deployment models
  • Scoping a project, setting requirements, timelines, and deliverables
  • MLOps overview
  • Federated learning and on-device learning

Skills Needed

A working knowledge of GCP.


Students will use the Google Cloud Platform - GCP for course exercises and assignments.

Have a question about this course?
Speak to a student services representative.
Call (408) 861-3860


Sections Open for Enrollment:

Open Sections and Schedule
Start / End Date Quarter Units Cost Instructor
05-13-2025 to 07-01-2025 2.0 $795

Praveen Krishna


Final Date To Enroll: 05-13-2025


Date: Start Time: End Time: Meeting Type: Location:
Tue, 05-13-2025 6:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Live-Online REMOTE
Tue, 05-20-2025 6:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Live-Online REMOTE
Tue, 05-27-2025 6:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Live-Online REMOTE
Tue, 06-03-2025 6:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Live-Online REMOTE
Tue, 06-10-2025 6:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Live-Online REMOTE
Tue, 06-17-2025 6:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Live-Online REMOTE
Tue, 06-24-2025 6:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Live-Online REMOTE
Tue, 07-01-2025 6:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Live-Online REMOTE