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Embedded Linux Design and Programming | EMBD.X423

This course covers the fundamentals of building and installing a custom embedded Linux for an ARM processor platform, and provides hands-on experience for creating cross-platform environments using the GNU tools. Basic concepts for designing, testing, and customizing embedded Linux will be covered, including how the Linux scheduler is implemented, and how to write Linux kernel modules and remotely debug embedded Linux applications.

Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of the course, you should be able to

  • Explain the basics of designing embedded Linux
  • Master the requirements to setup a Linux cross development environment
  • Use GNU tool chain to compile Linux Kernel and applications code
  • Develop and download applications to run on an embedded Linux target system
  • Describe the steps to write, compile and load/unload Linux Kernel modules
  • Summarize the Linux File System and initramfs (Initial RAM File System)

Topics include

  • An overview of embedded and real-time systems
  • Creating a cross-compiler
  • Linux device tree usage
  • Building and configuring a custom Linux kernel
  • Building and debugging Linux application source code using a GDB debugger
  • Writing kernel modules and user applications for embedded Linux using C language
  • Linux sysfs interface for GPIO
  • The basics of POSIX threads and the RTAI (real-time application interface) environment

Note(s): To do projects, students are expected to have access to Debian Linux on their computers. Options include Virtual Box, LiveCD, disk partition or separate drive. Instructor will not cover the Linux installation topic in class. For students needing help with Linux, "Introduction to Linux" is recommended. Students should come prepared with knowledge of the suggested prerequisites.

This course requires students to purchase a board (approx. $50, not included in the tuition) to complete the assignments. Students may either use Raspberry PI 2 Model B or Raspberry PI 3 Model B (details to be discussed in class). Students are expected to use their own Linux-based computers to do the programming project.

Skills Needed:

Working knowledge of C programming language and UNIX/Linux operating-system internals. Advanced C programming recommended.

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Estimated Cost: TBD

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