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Building Closure

The Silicon Valley Campus will be closed Sunday, Jan. 19 for maintenance and Monday, Jan. 20 in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. See you Tuesday!

Roles Rights Responsibilities

Reasonable accommodations: Rights, roles and responsibilities

Students with a disability are entitled to reasonable accommodations per the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. With these rights come responsibilities. To ensure students receive their accommodations, please review the following information.


Students have the right to request accommodations without disclosing their diagnosis to faculty or ADA accommodation status to other students.

The right not to disclose medical documentation concerning disability to faculty or instructors.

  • The right to timely and reasonable accommodations and adjustments.
  • The right to file a complaint if the agreed upon accommodations are not provided in a timely manner.
  • When a disability-related crisis or hospitalization interferes with scheduled testing or the submission of assignments, the ADA Coordinator and faculty will consider accommodating requests even when they occur without advance notice as long as they are notified in a timely manner.

Student Responsibilities

  • Voluntary disclosure of any disability that could impact a student's education to the ADA Coordinator.
  • Voluntarily identify disability-related needs to the ADA Coordinator.
  • Fully participate in the accommodations process. Exercise due diligence to make the process work.
  • Provide documentation to the ADA Coordinator.
  • Advise ADA Coordinator if there are problems with the services provided or within the classroom setting.
  • Formally request and provide notice of needed accommodations and services in a timely manner.
  • Attend class and maintain the academic standards set by the college and department. Abide by all policies and procedures established for all students. Meet the behavioral expectations set for all program participants.
  • Students with disabilities must meet all essential academic standards required of all students. Failure to meet the standards due to disability is still a failure.
  • Institutions may discipline students for misconduct even if the misconduct relates to the student’s disability.

Student Confidentiality

Students have a right to confidentiality, which includes both their disability diagnosis and their medical documentation. This information can only be shared as necessary to ensure equal access to their courses and accommodations.

Role of UCSC Silicon Valley Extension

  • Evaluate student medical documentation to determine disability status and need for accommodation
  • Individually determine and put appropriate, reasonable academic accommodations, in place
  • Provide advising and support for students
  • Serve as a resource and consultant to faculty and staff

Rights of UCSC Silicon Valley Extension

  • We may request current, comprehensive medical documentation to verify a student’s disability.
  • We may deny a request for a specific accommodation if documentation is inadequate or to request further documentation.
  • We will set student policies and procedures about using ADA accommodation services.
  • We require students to give reasonable notice of required accommodations
  • We require students to show up on time for requested services.

Responsibilities of UCSC Silicon Valley Extension

  • We ensure students with disabilities have the reasonable accommodations and services they need to equitably access and fully participate in UCSC educational environments.
  • We consider the impact of students’ disabilities on their learning environment, identify barriers that students may encounter, and determine accommodations that serve to remove or mitigate those barriers.
  • We provide individualized auxiliary services to support equal participation in the learning environment
  • We answer student questions or concerns in a timely manner.
  • We generate Letters of Accommodation to give students access to the classroom by specifying the accommodations, services, and supports that they require.
  • After the student notifies the Coordinator about concerns, we help students negotiate accommodation concerns with instructors.
  • We hold medical documentation and the disability diagnosis of a student confidentially and securely.
  • We confirm with instructors that a requested accommodation is related to disability without disclosing disability diagnosis.

A key transition occurs when a child turns 18. Federal privacy laws become applicable, protecting the confidentiality of the families and allies, son or daughter. Specifically, the Family Educational Rights and Protection Act (FERPA) prohibits UCSC Silicon Valley Extension from disclosing information to families and allies about the student.

Without written consent, we cannot inform families and allies what accommodations students are receiving or even whether they are requesting services from the Extension. Likewise, parent involvement in any Extension meetings with the student must be at the student’s invitation.


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