Building Closure
The Silicon Valley Campus will be closed Sunday, Jan. 19 for maintenance and Monday, Jan. 20 in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. See you Tuesday!
Workforce Frequently Asked Question
How do I choose my workforce courses?
Many or our partner agencies have students complete a Career Exploration Guide to determine which skills are needed for the jobs you are interested in. The results will allow you to match needed skills to UCSC Silicon Valley's course offerings and certificate programs and specializations.
Exploring our offerings
- Visit our homepage and click on Academics located at the top navigation bar to view various course offerings and programs.
- Explore by area of study by scrolling to the bottom of the home page and clicking on Areas of Study, or click here.
Note the details
When investigating a certificate or specialization, be sure to read the description and program requirements. Most certificate programs require both core /required courses as well as electives. Individual courses may have prerequisites or need to be taken in a certain order. Some programs offer different tracks of emphasis.
To view more details of each course, learn about the instructors, and find out when courses are taught, go to the top right corner of the course grid and click on Detail View.
Expand All allows you to view all currently scheduled courses.
Find an interesting course?
Click on the course name to see the course description and Skills Needed as well as recommended prerequisites.
To learn even more details such as texts, click on Enroll Now and read the section notes.