UCSC Extension is an AET-approved training program

The UCSC Silicon Valley Professional Educational Therapy certificate program is an approved training program by the Association of Educational Therapists. Founded in 1979, AET defines and sets standards for the professional practice of educational therapy.
Benefits of an AET-approved Program
- Fast-Tracked Membership—Alumni of UCSC Silicon Valley Extension Educational Therapy professional certificate program proceed through the AET membership process faster than those students who graduated from a program that is not AET-approved.
- Please see the AET Fast Track course matching requirements below.
- Professional Opportunity
To become a Board Certified Educational Therapist-level AET member requires a master's degree, but graduates of our Ed Therapy certificate program can become an associate member of AET without a master's degree. Note: BCETs need to take professional development courses and earn 40 hours every four years.
- Conference Scholarships
UCSC Extension students may apply for scholarships to attend AET’s annual conference.
AET fast-track course matching requirements
AET Associate ET Membership Academic Requirements |
UCSC Silicon Valley Education Therapy Matching Course Equivalents |
Curriculum, Methods, and Remediation Techniques Relating to Individuals with Reading and Learning Differences • Three courses • 3 units each |
● Strategies for Learning Differences in Mathematics EDTH.x302 • 3 units ● Assistive Technology for Learning Differences EDTH.x310 • 3 units ● Educational Therapy: Structured Literacy II EDTH.x313 • 3 units |
Diagnosis & Assessment of Individuals with Reading & Learning Differences • Two courses • 3 units each |
● Educational Assessments I EDTH.x303 • 3 units ● Educational Assessments II EDTH.x304 3 units |
Human Learning One course • 3 units |
● Psychology of Human Learning EDTH.x308 • 3 units |
Overview of Special Education • One course • 3 units |
● Understanding Learning Differences EDTH.x309 • 3 units |
Psychoeducational Interventions Combining Educational and Psychological Techniques • One course • 3 units |
● Educational Therapy Practicum EDTH.x390 • 5 units |
General Reading • One course • 3 units |
● Educational Therapy: Structured Literacy I EDTH.x301 • 3 units |
Child/Adolescent (Human) Development • One course • 3 units |
● ECE: Brain Development in Early Childhood ECED.x310 • 3 units |
AET Total: 27 units | 9 courses | UCSC Extension Total: 32 units | 9 courses |
UCSC Silicon Valley Educational Therapy certificate requirements
- 10–11 courses | 30 units
- 7 required courses | 21 units, including:
• Principles of Educational Therapy
• Techniques of Educational Therapy: Affective, Cognitive and Perceptual Elements - 2-3 electives | 4 units
- Capstone course | 5 units
- 7 required courses | 21 units, including:
Curriculum note
In fall 2021, the units for Psychology of Human Learning changed from 2 to 3. Students who completed the course before this time and earned 2 units may be required to take an additional course for AET membership. This is not necessary to earn your Educational Therapy certificate.
For more information
- Visit our Education Therapy certificate program page.
- Check with your professional organization
Every professional organization is different. Be sure to visit the Association of Educational Therapists site to confirm courses and to learn about any additional requirements necessary for membership, licensing, recertification, or other professional qualifications.
Licensure and Certification Policy
The certification by the AET is optional for practice in the field. There is currently no state licensure for educational therapy.
Please see our Licensure and Certification Policy to learn more.