Robert Durstenfeld
ROBERT (BOB) DURSTENFELD, MS, consulting as director of digital marketing at, is a professional technology communicator experienced in brand marketing, public relations, analyst relations, corporate marketing, and product marketing. He’s launched more than a dozen products in Silicon Valley and published more than 40 articles on subjects ranging from test engineering and wireless sensor networks to hazardous chemical exposure. Previously he was content and integrations manager at Infineon Technologies. He believes that tone and voice matter—even in technology communications and content development. He has been a member of the San Francisco Public Relations Roundtable, the ANA Business Marketing of Northern California, and the National Investor Relations Institute. When not working he tends his high-density fruit orchard. Durstenfeld has a bachelor of science degree in Electrical Engineering from UC Los Angeles, a master’s degree in International Marketing and Engineering Management from Santa Clara University, and a post-graduate certificate in Market Leadership from Harvard Business School.
Associated Program(s)
Administrative Professionals
Marketing Management