Role of the Project Manager | PPMT.X400
The primary objective of this course is to acquaint students with a broad overview of project management and the roles that a project manager plays in the five project process groups involved in managing projects. In this course, the skills needed to successfully play these roles are identified and discussed. In addition, learning the life cycles of typical projects provides a basis for understanding the variety of skills needed, how these skills can be assembled, and how they relate to each other. A simulated project and exercises are used to illustrate the application of these skills.
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of the course, you should be able to
- Discuss the essential skills and traits project managers need to be effective in today’s business environment.
- Explain the five primary project life cycle phases and the responsibilities project managers have in each of them.
- Know the key constraints that impact all projects and how to manage them.
- Create a Project Charter and identify the key stakeholders in your project environment.
- Develop the scope, schedule, and critical path of a project.
- Develop an effective Communication Plan to inform all stakeholders.
- Identify potential risks and qualitatively assess the likelihood and possible impact to your project with a Risk Register.
- Monitor your project to determine if it is on target with respect to budget and time.
- Take actions when controlling the project to keep it on track
Topics Include
- An overview of the five primary project-management processes
- Writing an effective project plan; developing successful project schedules
- Executing and controlling the project plan
- The "triple constraint" and how it affects the project manager
- Understanding project phases and project life cycles
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