Social Media Marketing Fundamentals | MKTG.X415

Social Media Marketing Fundamentals | MKTG.X415

The contemporary marketing toolset has expanded dramatically with the mainstreaming of digital technologies, bringing social media skills into high demand for marketers and professionals in many other careers. Students in this course focus on digital technologies and the tools used to compete for customers in the digital economy. You will gain an understanding of key social media channels—Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter—as well as branded communities, Google+, blogs, and video and learn how they fit into B2B and B2C marketing strategies. Explore how messenger apps have unalterably affected marketing, and practice online market research fundamentals and sponsored content campaigns. Emphasis is placed on best practices and on conveying an understanding of how you can leverage social media to create measurable business results. You will create a basic social media marketing plan and understand how it adds value to particular job functions so you can exceed performance goals.

A background in marketing is recommended for this course—preferably Implementing Marketing and Sales Strategies or Principles of Marketing.

Learning Outcomes

This course will focus on all the integrated digital elements of the digital marketing landscape.

At the conclusion of the course, you should be able to

  • Explain the core concepts of Social Media Marketing Fundamentals, strategies, and tactics
  • Develop social media channels from scratch and manage them
  • Understand how to integrate social media into an existing marketing strategy
  • Employ digital best practices to drive desired marketing results in the media mix
  • Understand the activation and best practices around social selling
  • Build a social marketing plan

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Estimated Cost: TBD

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