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Certificates & Costs

Program Details and Estimated Costs

Full-time status

International students on F-1 visas are required to be full-time students. We define full-time as 12 units per quarter. If you are on an F-1 visa, you must enroll in 12 units each quarter to maintain your legal status. You may enroll in less than 12 units in your final quarter if you are on track to complete the requirements for your certificate program. Note: Only one online course (3 units) each quarter may count toward your visa status.

How long does a certificate take to complete?

Most of our international students complete one certificate in nine to 12 months of full-time study.

Complete more than one certificate

Some students can complete two certificates in that time frame.

Make the most of a short stay

Other students may opt to complete a specialization in one of our new one-quarter short programs.


Certificate Programs

Business Administration 3 Quarters 30 units $15,350 Any Quarter
Human Resource Management 3 Quarters 30 units $17,850 Any Quarter
Marketing Management 3 Quarters 30 units $16,100 Fall, Spring
Project and Program Management 3 Quarters 30 units $17,850 Any Quarter
Computer Programming [i] 3 Quarters 30 units $16,100 Any Quarter
Data Science and Data Analytics 3 Quarters 30 units $16,100 Any Quarter
Embedded Systems 3 Quarters 30 units $15,350 Any Quarter
Software Engineering and Quality [ii] 3 Quarters 30 units $16,100 Any Quarter
Silicon Chip Design & Semiconductor Engineering 3 Quarters 30 units $15,350 Any Quarter
User Experience and Web Design 3-4 Quarters 30 units $16,100 Winter / Summer

F-1 Visa Application Deadlines

International student applications must be submitted by the following dates:
Quarter Quarter Start
& End Dates
If you are IN THE U.S.,
forms are due:
If you are NOT IN THE U.S.,
forms are due:
Fall August 19–Dec 31 August 1 July 15
Winter January 1–March 31 December 15 November 15
Spring March 18–June 15 March 1 February 15
Summer June 3–August 31 May 15 May 1

Important Program Conditions

[i] 3. Computer Programming: Prior knowledge in this field is recommended for students interested in this program.

[ii] 4. Software Engineering and Quality: Prior knowledge in this field is recommended for students interested in this program.

*Please contact if interested.


Fees & Services

Included in the program tuition cost listed above are numerous fees that apply to all students in the program. These fees provide services for the entire duration of your studies and include:

  • orientation,
  • maintenance of your F-1 status,
  • Student and Community Development course,*
  • OPT application review,
  • OPT support,
  • internship placement assistance,
  • academic programming,
  • course registration,
  • advising,
  • events that maximize your learning and career potential
  • access to computer labs & Wi-Fi, technology,
  • housing referrals and resources,
  • medical insurance assistance,
  • photo ID cards, and
  • other general needs.

The fee also includes two $40 drop fee waivers.

*The Student and Community Development course can be waived for students who have studied in the U.S. previously or can demonstrate having met the learning outcomes previously.

These fees are not included

  • Application Fee: Nonrefundable $150. Due at the time of application.
  • I-901 SEVIS Fee: $350
  • USCIS OPT Fee: $410
  • Cancellation Fee: International student fee is refundable minus a $200 cancellation fee if enrollment is canceled at least three business days before the orientation session begins.
  • Express Mail Fee (optional): $50. Overseas students may request faster mail delivery for immigration document processing.
  • Books and Materials Costs: Additional curricular requirements are not included.

Paying your fee

currency of different country spread out. Text: flywire Secure International Payments
UCSC Silicon Valley Extension only uses Flywire for the international student fee.

The current total fee of $4,500 will change to $1,700 per quarter for incoming Summer 2025 students.

Learn more about Flywire here.


More information

You can learn more about the international program, the 12-unit quarterly minimum, taking courses outside your program, and pursuing an internship, by visiting this page.

International Inquiry Form

Contact Us
Speak to an international programs representative.

Call +1 (408) 450-4945


To schedule an online meeting with an international advisor, please click here.