Frequently Asked Questions
Can I transfer these units / credits?
Do I need a doctor’s note to miss class, if I’m not feeling well?
Am I allowed to do OPT or paid internships during my studies as an F-1 student?
Are my international vaccine and booster accepted for UC campus access?
Are there any enrollment requirements for international students?
Can I pay easily from outside the U.S.?
Can I be put on a waitlist if the class I want is full?
Can I drop and transfer to another section of the same course?
Can I go to the first course without enrolling?
Can I change my grade option after the course begins?
Can I receive an Incomplete grade?
Can I receive continuing education units for my course?
How do I access my online course?
How do I log in and get started?
How do I log in to my course on Canvas, the online classroom?
Live-Online v. Online — What's the difference?